Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blog Post #3

     This week we learned how to complete quality peer reviews. I watched two videos and a power point on these topics; What is Peer Editing?, Peer Editing with Perfection Tutorial, and Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes The message in the videos and power point were the same but they were presented in different ways. I found these to be helpful tips on how to approach a peer with comments, concerns, and questions about their blog posts.

     The first and only rule to peer editing is to always stay positive. Try not to be a Mean Margaret. Lead the comment/email with something they did well or that you liked. Which is the first to three steps in peer editing, compliment. Step two in peer editing is make suggestions. Make suggestions on their word choices, organization of sentences, or topic and main idea. The last step, making corrections. Check their punctuation, grammar, spelling, and sentences. When making corrections try to be as specific as possible. If you follow these simple steps in peer editing then you should be a professional in no time.


  1. Good summary, I especially like how you embedded the links to the websites for easy reference. The post is short and sweet, good job.

  2. These are great points you bring out on peer editing. The information we learned, gave us what is needed for editing.
